If you’ve ever tried to play with tiny toys, Legos, or small playsets with your kids, you know how tricky it can be. I can’t count how many times I’ve struggled because they’re so hard to hang onto. My grandsons love their little figurines, but my hands just aren’t made for those small details!
That’s why I was so excited to see Figure Stix on the news a couple of weeks ago! This simple but genius tool was created by a local mom who totally gets it. She just wanted to play with her kids without messing up their hard work—something every parent understands. Instead of giving up, she came up with Figure Stix to help parents like us join in the fun without frustration.
Figure Stix acts as an extension of your hand, allowing you to easily attach and move minifigures and some minifigure pets. They enable you to interact with the figures in and around your constructed buildings without the risk of knocking everything over.
I love that this product was invented right here in Spokane, WA by a mom who saw a problem and created a solution. It’s amazing to see local innovation making such a big impact! I definitely plan to order my own, and if you struggle with tiny pieces like I do, you should check it out too.
See how Figure Stix works and hear more about the inventor’s story in this news feature: Watch here.
This is one of those “why didn’t I think of that?” ideas that just makes sense!
If this is something you think you can use, please check out their website at Figure Stix.
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